Richard Sandberg
veski innovation fellow
The University of Melbourne
Professor Richard Sandberg was awarded a 3-year veski innovation fellowship in July 2015.
More recently, Richard was appointed as a member of the Project Governance Group overseeing the Study Melbourne Research Partnerships program.
Research project: Impacting industry by enabling a step-change in simulation fidelity for flow and noise problems
Using a numerical code developed over the past seven years in the UK and US, Professor Sandberg will harness the power of Australia’s and the world’s high-performance super computers to gain better understanding of turbulence and to develop new models for industry to reduce noise and predict turbulence.
Advances in fluid dynamics research, made possible through computer simulations, play a role in almost every aspect of Australian life. Richard’s research can lead to more efficient conventional and renewable power generation, more environmentally friendly and affordable plane travel, and improved heating and cooling systems.
Through an integrated research and education program, Richard’s research team will use modern supercomputers as ‘time machines’, enabling flow and noise predictions with unprecedented accuracy to help design the next generations of ‘green’ engineering devices decades earlier than otherwise possible.
The research will not only have a scientific and economic impact but will ultimately benefit Australian society by creating new knowledge and training for the next generation of engineers and scientists. This training is fundamental for future advances in engineering in Australia enabled by high-performance computing.
The project will also move Victoria, and the University of Melbourne, from a reliance on traditional experimentations with wind tunnels to a process of numerical validation using simulations that have already demonstrated potential.
As well as bringing the scientific and technical brilliance needed to simulate these experiments, Richard will focus on supporting greater industry and academic collaborations.
It’s very important to see industry engaging in the fundamental research that we do … ultimately, I want to see that it’s having a design impact.
Professor Richard Sandberg
Richard Sandberg – veski announcement profile
Impacting industry by enabling a step-change in simulation fidelity for flow and noise problems
Richard Sandberg – veski announcement video
veski innovation fellow 2015