veski inspiring women – Resources
The veski inspiring women program offers you a range of resources including relevant articles activities, programs and information about local, national and international events.
If you have an interesting link, article or event to share, please email admin [at]
- New Horizons: Women in Tech Networking & Mentoring Melbourne
- / This working life by Lisa Leong
Articles, Books and Videos
- Video: Keynote presentation delivered by Professor Sharon Bell at 8 December 2014 event
- Treat Promises to Yourself as seriously as Promises to Others – Harvard Business Review
- The Three Hard Skills Women Aspiring to Leadership Need – Huffington Post
- Developing Women Leaders: Five Essentials – LinkedIn Post
- Present with the Voice of a Superwoman – LinkedIn Post
- Overcoming Shyness and Social Phobia – Self Confidence UK
- 5 Tips for Beating Blushing – Self Confidence UK
- 7 Rules for Avoiding All-Male Panels – Foreign Policy
- Gender Parity: the pipeline problem – London Business School
- The New Basics: Big data reveals the skills young people need for the New Work Order
– Foundation for Young Australians - Australian Leadership and Optimism
- Your science career – Making a strategic plan – by Dr Marguerite V. Evans-Galea AM
- The value of mentoring by Dr Marguerite V. Evans-Galea AM and Charles A. Galea
- Women in cancer research – Nature Reviews Cancer
- Mental Health Awareness
- Success Strategies From Women in STEM: A Portable Mentor
Women in STEM conferences / Programs
- Your Leadership Voice: Women in Focus – Monash Business School – a unique and practical program designed on the back of the Panel Pledge for female professionals with managerial experience, who are seeking to develop their leadership skills and professional reputation and profile.
- Conferences meetings for STEM globally – ELSEVIER
- Matressence Retreat – A three day retreat for mums held in the beautiful Byron Bay hinterland and designed to support you through the transformational ‘matrescence’ period, reconnect to your essence, and awaken your creative spirit.
Grants, Fellowships and Scholarships
- veski inspiring women fellowships – designed to support outstanding female leaders who are planning for, experiencing, or returning from a career break.
- L’Oreal-UNESCO for Women in Science – A long term commitment to empower women in science through three levels of L’Oréal’s For Women in Science awards program.
- Capstone Editing Carer’s Travel Grant for Academic Women – to provide financial support for academic women who face additional childcare costs when travelling to conduct research or present a paper at a conference.
Scientific Academies and Peak Bodies
- The Australian Academy of Science (AAS) – Australian scientific excellence, promotes and disseminates scientific knowledge, and provides independent scientific advice for the benefit of Australia and the world
- Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE) – Sees a future in which technological sciences, engineering and innovation contribute significantly to Australia’s social, economic and environmental wellbeing
- Pathways to Science
- The American Association of University Women – One of the world’s largest sources of funding for graduate women, AAUW is providing more than $3.7 million in funding for more than 241 fellowships and grants to outstanding women and nonprofit organizations in the 2015–16 academic year. Due to the longstanding, generous contributions of AAUW members, a broader community of women continues to gain access to educational and economic opportunities — breaking through barriers so that all women have a fair chance.
- Wise Campaign UK – A campaign to promote women in science technology and engineering
- McNairs Scholars Program – A guide to scholarships and funding available in the US. Large sections on life and health sciences, and science and engineering.
- The Australian Research Council (ARC) – The National competitive grant program has two main elements discovery and linkage, under which it funds a range of complementary schemes to support researchers at different stages of their careers, build Australia’s research capability, expand and enhance research networks and collaborations, and develop centres of research excellence.
- Information about scholarships for engineers in the US
- Information about grants, fellowships and PhD programs in the UK and Ireland
LinkedIn Groups
- Women of STEM – Bringing together job seekers, employers, recruiters, and sponsors in one environment, creating an ecosystem to achieve long-term career success for women in STEM. We believe in corporate diversity as a competitive strength, and our mission is to provide tools for both the employer and job seeker to connect with one another.
- Women in TECH – Women In Tech is an employee-led effort to challenge the gender imbalance among software engineers and other technical roles
women in STEM summit – This group is for Women in STEM to engage and network with one another. We encourage you to join and share hot topics, ask questions, and simply engaged in valuable, thought-provoking conversations with like-minded professionals. - The PostDoc Forum – The PostDoc Forum aims to establish a close networking platform between PostDocs worldwide. Our hope is to create a platform for collaboration and mutual assistance between PostDocs. We invite you to post tips and ideas from your own experience.
- STEM ER[Educators and Researchers] – STEM Educators & Researchers’ group links the research and education professionals in ‘Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics’ fields.
Gender in Research Organisations
- Scientista Foundation
- Women in STEM
- Women in Nuclear Global
- NHMRC – Women in Health Science Working Committee – The aim of the Women in Health Science Working Committee is to gain a better understanding of the issues that face women researchers in health and medical research in terms of career progression and retention to enable NHMRC to identify mechanisms that could be implemented to overcome these issues. A number of links to NHMRC policies are on this site
- ARC – ROPE Statement – ARC Research Opportunity and Performance Evidence (ROPE) Statement
Gender Equity Initiatives
- The SAGE Initiative – is a program of activities designed to improve gender equity in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) sectors.
- NHMRC – Institutional Gender Equity Policies – All NHMRC Administering Institutions were invited to identify activities and approaches in place to support gender equity within their institutions in 2013. The policies are varied and some key examples are on this site.
- European Research Commission(ERC) – Gender Equity Plan 2014-2020
- ERC – Working Group on Gender Issues
Articles relating to gender equality
- The Conversation – Articles on Gender Equity
- Champions of Change Coalition – The strategy involves men of power and influence forming a high profile coalition to achieve change on gender equality issues in organisations and communities
- Essays on equality – COVID19 edition– edited by the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership – King’s College London about the gendered impacts of COVID-19 and avenues to mitigate its exacerbating effects on gender inequality.
Women on Boards
- Women on Boards – seeks to improve the gender balance on Australian boards. WOB partners with the corporate, government and non-profit sectors to hold events, host programs, create opportunities for women and coach and mentor them into career and director roles.
- Victorian Women’s Register – aims to ensure that women are equally represented and to encourage women to lead and become decision makers in the community
- Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) – Board Diversity